Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I had no idea that buying a house took you on such a roller coaster. Just looking at houses was exhausting and sometimes felt like we would never find one. Then we did, and the real fun began... all the back and forth and trying to beat out the other offers. The goal: come in high enough but not to high that we end up paying more than we have to. The whole thing is a game that leaves you in TOTAL UNCERTAINTY most of the time!!! So I sit here this morning totally emotionally frazzled still waiting to hear if we got the house or not. Deep down I know we will end up where we are suppose to so if it isn't this house there is another one, the trick is having enough faith to believe it!!

P.S. Thanks for letting me vent!!!!


Adam and Christine Jardine said...

Hang in there, it'll all be over soon. Maybe eat a few nutter butters until it all solves itself. That's what I would do.

Even though I'm happy we're staying here, I wish we were moving to the same city! That would be great! Maybe later. . .

Hoffman Family said...

It is not fun when you are in the mist of offering and counters! It is amazing we all don't come out crazy after buying a house! good luck! Let us know as soon as you find out!

Sarah Owens said...

Oh man...I hear ya!! Buying our first house was a total concerted effort of about a year and 4 months.....Of looking and offering and being a week from closing and something going horribly wrong. Having to look all over again... Being extrememly excited and extrememly frustrated. But we finally got into a house that is just perfect for us and it was all worth it. I am sure you will feel the same way and you will have a huge sigh of relief when it is all said and done will be so happy!!!!

Jenkins' Family said...

Wow, a lot has changed since I checked your blog last, I can't believe you guys are moving. It sounds like a great opportunity for your family, we're really happy for you. As far as the house hunt goes we can totally relate. My whole life was consumed with it for nearly 6 months last year, OK maybe it didn't take over my whole life but much more then it should have, very stressful but so rewarding in the end. Good Luck with everything, I can't wait to hear about things when they're all said and done. Also thank you for your kind words about Adam's dad passing, it really meant a lot to us.

Tony and Whitney said...

Wow. That's a lot. Good Luck on the house.