Tuesday, October 21, 2008


CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY... Describes our life perfectly!!! We are so happy to be in our house but with that comes moving in. We have been moving in for three months now and still counting, along with finishing some home rennovations. We bought the house that I grew up in so it needs some updating. We have repainted the whole house along with new light fixtures and carpet . We are in the process of a new deck in the backyard and hoping to finish before snow!!! We are SLOWLY adjusting to three kids (and really two babies) I affectionaly call ourselves the "Smart Bros. Circus (instead of ringling bros.) every where we go one of the kids, if not more, makes a scene.We recently enjoyed a small get away to Southern Utah where we saw our good friends The Cliffords for the last time for 3 years. They are moving to Japan and we will miss them soooo much!!! My sister was nice enough to host us for a few days while we said goodbye so we also enjoyed time with them, the kids love seeing their cousins!!!!

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